Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We have a J2ME application for mobile devices. It is working fine with other java mobile devices. Is it possible to install it in Iphone? Iphone supports 3rd party j2ME apps?

whenver i open a game... my yahoo. sign out automatically.. and yahoo messenger in my taskbar disappear...and i have to re-sign in... how can i fix this prob.. i ve downloaded java..

you know like having certificate of such as for software engineer- java certified- dot net like mcsd- like oracle


having certifed of ccna- ccnp- and ccie- like network professional.

i need the best openion of that- not only that is it worth for making money and respect also- between one of these two
but just one

pls do the needful .
4 days ago - 2 hours left for voting

ok so i was wondering how do you add java applications and games on to the bb pearl using the cable.
umm i have tmobile if that helps
thank you for the answer but i ve tried that many times and it gives me this
"error in application information file c:\documents and settings\owner\desktop\bb\dpoewars.jar there is an xml syntax error on line 1"

new to java-- i think i ve set my environment variables correctly and i am pretty sure this isn t the issue-- neXt i have this little silly code to test that i can compile and run a program--- lol now i feel silly cause how do u do that? i thought i could
filename on Desktop

public class AverageFruit

public static void main(String[] args)

//Declare and intialize 3 variables
double numOranges = 50.0E-1;
double numApples = 1.0E1;
double averageFruit = 0.0;

averageFruit = (numOranges + numApples) / 2.0;

System.out.println("A totally fruity program");
System.out.println("Average fruit is" + averageFruit);



and run javac from command line
this gave me file AverageFruit.class --- hmmm but no errors from cmd prompt just runs and exits silently--- =(
I really wanted to see what the average fruit was lol---
can someone help me-- i think i am doing something eXtremely backwards-- whatS NeXt? i ve gotten no errors on console?????

I want to be constructive with my time this summer and learn how to do something with languages. I was thinking of learning a little bit of C++ or Java- but the idea of web design and designing my own little blog as a summer project are fascinating.

-If I was to design a good- interactive blog (people leaving comments and all that)- what languages would I have to learn besides basic HTML?
-Someday- I hope to create a database/community. Kind of like the way works (forum- hundreds of thousands of movies- a rating system- movie reviews- etc.-.) what would I have to learn before creating something of that magnitude?
-If I chose to learn Java or C++ this summer- would that help me in web design at all?
-Can someone explain to me what exactly CSS- PHP- MySQL- CMS do? I ve tried to look it up- but all I get are all of these really technical terms that are hard for someone like me to understand.


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