Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I have an idea for a website (sort of a *very* simple social networking page) and I want to put it together. However- there s no way I can learn all I need to make the site. I know HTML- Java- Flash/Actionscript and some other skills- but I still need someone else s expertise (especially with combining Actionscript and SQL). How can I find someone to aid with the site? Should I look on job sites? Or are there groups of designers/coders out there that I can find?

I am extending JPanel and placing my GUI components into my application. As it stands- i have a title at the top- in the middle i have an image (really its a background image)- and then at the bottom i have a JButton.

To insert these in- i have
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800- 590));
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
add(titlePanel- BorderLayout.NORTH);

JPanel pan = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
registErJButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200-50));
add(pan- BorderLayout.SOUTH);

Obviously the image is in the background but the main portion takes up the center og the page. How do i add another JButton just above the one i have? The one i have is set to SOUTH and i cant seem to place my new one right baove this.

i have tried everything i can think of and my applets just wont work on my website- instead they always display a red x

url: www.csce.uark.edu/~relswort

maybe i missed a step. i have written/downloaded .CLASS files and then i move them over to my directory where my index.htm file is. lastly i add the <applet> part of the html and i thought that was all i had to do- is there more to it? thank you!

*added on codebase to the applet html and put the .CLASS files into a folder as suggested by someone on here and unfortunately is still doesnt work*

A Java program would be fine too.

I download JAVA- the latest version but when I am trying to play yahoo games like backgammon- the pop up massage is showing "java runtime error can not be loaded". What sould I do?

Is there a way to convert all the parts of an array together to form a long?
For example
I want to convert it all to be a long that looks like
long y=543

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