Monday, June 16, 2008

Ok i created my own file now I wan t a program to display the data that needs to be displayed.The codee can be in java- javascript- VBscript- or in c++. Code snippits is what I need Please do not post all the code at least 2\3 of the code will be great thanks.
My script is still a work in proggress but this is some code thats part of it:

$starglobe$#script#load (starts it)
$ezva$#starglobescript#load (tells what type of starglode script it is)
system.output>>cout.print[hello and welcome to ezva withch is a small part of starglobe script];(prints this out)

comm: "make~tag"{ #name:"text";
#$function/:"];/| end system.output>>cout.print[;$ (tell the thing to make a tag that does the same thing as system.output>>cout.print)


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