Sunday, June 22, 2008


i downloaded the application- but it tells me that my proxy settings won t give me access to the server- what do i need to do? it tells me to go to internet options and connections- but only tells me to check and see if they are right- but i don t know what right is.

It let me play on firefox for about 3 games then java stopped working on it...Now the same thing on IE...what the heckl?

I have vista and I m back to zero- as if I had bought a new computer.
I can t see certain images and videos. What do I need to download? java? adobe? I have no idea- and I don t want to f*ck things up again.

I am just ending my sophomore year in high school- and in the first semester I had gotten decent grades. 3 A s and 3 B s- however- my second semester- I had some family problems and had gotten 3 C s- 2 B s and an A. Freshman year- I had nearly all A s both semesters with a B in Java Computer Programming both semesters. I have a feeling I just screwed up my chances into getting into a decent college with a screwed up sophomore year. How will this horrible second semester affect which colleges that I apply to?
I am just ending my sophomore year in high school- and in the first semester I had gotten decent grades. 3 A s and 3 B s- however- my second semester- I had some family problems and had gotten 3 C s- 2 B s and an A. Freshman year- I had nearly all A s both semesters with a B in Java Computer Programming both semesters. I have a feeling I just screwed up my chances into getting into a decent college with a screwed up sophomore year. How will this affect my chances into getting into a decent college such as a UC?
California- US

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