Thursday, June 26, 2008

pls help me!
can u pls type it...


I try to delete Java(TM) 6 Update 6 in my computer but all I get is this: Internal Error 2753. RegUtils... Fatal error during installation. It takes up a lot of space: 3800mb. BUt everytime I go in the Local Disk in My Computer and try to find the java folder- it isn t there. I don t know if the program is still in my computer or not. What should I do?

The question basically my thought process correct?

It s been a year since I ve done any java programming and I m amazed at how slow it is to come back. If anyone can help me verify the following that would be great.

Let s say you have a java class with 4 arguments. Each argument cooresponds to a private field within the class which acts as storage when the class is instantiated as an object. When you first instantiate the object- you will provide 4 arguments in the constuctor. The class has several methods. (Coming up is the part I m not sure about.)
When I need to do calculation on the inputs received- which are currently stored in the private fields- should I create new private fields to store the new values- change the contents of the original private fields- or keep all calculations and their resulting outputs within getter methods and never store them in private class variables. Man this was so clear a year ago. If anyone can walk me through this- I d appreciate it

Everytime I try to remove Java(TM) 6 Update 6 from my computer- all I get is a box saying "Internal Error 2753. RegUtils". I really need help since this program takes up a lot of space: 3962mb and I can t remove it. Please.

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