Friday, June 6, 2008;// Legal but does not start a separate thread.
I found this in a leading Java text book.My question is how can we instantiate an interface which is always 100% abstract.
Here Runnable is an interface but still the new keyword is used to instantiate it-but How ?? How can this be legal ??
I am bit confused -can anybody be kind enough to explain this to me.

any free java games on phone?

I have found two previous answers where java needed be reinstalled and Active X needed as well reinstalled. Did Both no go. I checked chat options to see if that was the problem. It wasn t.

There is website I need to search often and check if a class it open or closed !! So I thought maybe I could write a program "maybe a bat file" to launch the webpage and search for the word "OPEN" and if it did not fail- make noise!!!

I know C++- java- and some other things
I would really appriciote that!!!!!!


A program in JAVA which accepts a sentence & a word from the keyboard and finds the frequency of the word in the sentence.
For e.g. in the sentence "I like vollyball"- the word "L" occurs 5 times i.e. frequency of "L" in the sentence is 5 times....

I have tried to upload various php forum scripts- some requiring mysql and some not. I have tried using their Java applet- but it simply would not load. I have tried using another FTP client- but it ended up in an error saying i did not have permission. I ve tried this with various computers- php scripts- ftp methods- so I m pretty sure the problem is Bravenet itself.

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