Does Anybody Know Where I Can Find Some Free Java Games For My New Phone?
It Only Comes With Trials Which I Am Sick Of.
Many Thanks-
To declare a constant PI- you write
a. final static PI = 3.14159;
b. final float PI = 3.14159;
c. static double PI = 3.14159;
d. final double PI = 3.14159;
hi- can you tell me please what kind of applications is java most generaly used for ???
ANd also can you give the name of several sites that use Java ???
Thanks and GOD always bless you a lot
Write a Java program to compute the truth table for the following propositional logic expression:
f(p-q-r) = (~q  r  ~p)  (~(r  ~p))
For each row of the truth table- the main program should call a char function LProp- having three char parameters- that calculates the truth-value of the logic expression for a given set of component truth-values. All char variables should take only the values F (false) and T (true). The LProp function should call char functions ANDlogic(p-q)- ORlogic(p-q)- and NOTlogic(p) as needed. A sample of the basic program structure including an implementation of ANDlogic(p-q) will be provided.
I honestly have no idea who to even start. Not asking you to write it for me. just some help to point me in the right direction
the question marks in the parenth. are AND symbols the other is the OR symbol.. they must not be web friendly.
Which of the following is not an advantage of using methods?
a. Using methods makes program run faster.
b. Using methods makes reusing code easier.
c. Using methods makes programs easier to read.
d. Using methods hides detailed implementation from the clients
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