Then he will be given training on related skills like java .net etc
Then what is the need of computer institutes?
hopefully cheap- and java- or javascript .
java isn t a language to start with even the easier version of it javascript is to hard.
Hey can anybody help me do this? Using Xcode.
12. Write a program- "Dice" to simulate two dice being thrown. The program should work out a random value of 1 to 6 for each dice- and use a switch structure to display a graphic of the dice- created using a series of System.out.println(); statements. The output should contain the two graphics as well as the total of the two dice for the throw. Using Xcode.
i click on my mail and it takes me to a blank page containing my account- yahoo- my yahoo and trouble logging in? links.
then it gives me three messages;two are the same saying what my emails contain...then it says that i am unable to load the javascripts of the email
I haven t played in over a week now- and I have no idea why it s stopped working. Whenever I try to access the website- it always says page cannot be displayed. I tried to go to it through google- and even miniclip- but its stopped working. For some reason- runescape wikia isn t working either. Also- my other laptop isn t working for runescape either- but runescape wikia is working for it for some reason. I tried re-configuring the security measures on my computer through the tools menu and then to the internet options. I changed my settings to accept anything from Active X and Java- but still no luck. I tried downloading a more updated version of Java- but it yielded no results. Does anyone else know a solution to my problem? By the way- I play on my dad s work laptops. He told me he thought that maybe his company bloacked the website or something. I have never broken any rules on runescape- so I dont think they would block my ip address. Any1 who flames this blog- get a life too!!!!!
Why do I get an error message saying I can t connect to server when I try to join a game room?
The message says:
Unable to connect to server.
One of four things could have caused this:
1)You are behind a firewall
2)You are not connected to the internet
3)The game server is down.
4)You have a stale page in your cache
I have taken down all firewalls and cleared my cache and I still can t play any games because I can t join a room. My internet connection is fine and the server isn t down because other people are in the rooms.
I m trying to play Yahoo Dominoes.
It s been doing this for a long time.
And I have java.
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