Friday, May 23, 2008

There is no documentation of the official netbeans site for setting up my compiler. I want to use NetBeans because of it s versatility. I have installed NetBeans and the compilers- however when I start NetBeans I am told I have no compilers. This is very annoying and I need it fixing!!!

Ok- to start off- i Google search java runtime enviroment- click the first one( url is click free java download- click it again on the next page that pops up and a box comes up. it says opening jxpiinstall.exe would you like to save this file- i save it and the download box comes up- i click open and the warning box comes about the malicious programs i click ok- then after that a box pops up and disappears.

I am using Mozilla Firefox v 2.0 if that matters........
I have tried on Internet Explorer and At&t browser- neither has worked

If nobody can help- can someone at least reccomend a reference? thanks.

I m working with the tutorial from

I m trying to install nutch- and when i run the crawler- i get an error message: line 15: syntax error near unexpected token $ in\r line 15: case uname in"

here is the code
# NUTCH_OPTS Extra Java runtime options.
case "`uname`" in
CYGWIN*) cygwin=true;;

# resolve links - $0 may be a softlink
while [ -h "$THIS" ]; do
ls=`ls -ld "$THIS"`
link=`expr "$ls" : .*-> \(.*\)$ `
if expr "$link" : .*/.* > /dev/null; then
THIS=`dirname "$THIS"`/"$link"

# if no args specified- show usage
#line 15
#if [ $# = 0 ]; then
echo "Usage: nutch COMMAND"
echo "where COMMAND is one of:"
echo " crawl one-step crawler for int


im working on my bachelor s degree in computer science. i want to be a software engineer. i currently know visual basic- html- and am gonna learn java when the next semester starts. its currently summer and im in the process of teaching myself c++. what are some other essential programming languages that would benefit me by knowing them.

K- everytime i go to silab/mopar i get a blank screen with a little red X in the corner..idk if i need new java or if i need something else...

P.S if i need to download something plz leave a link to it =D

* Configure the compiler to write output classes to <protege_install_dir>/plugins (replacing protege_install_dir with your Protégé installation directory).
* Pass the JVM the following parameter -Dprotege.dir=<protege_install_dir>.

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