Saturday, May 24, 2008

help i have had my cobalt blue cichlid for about 6 mths now. most recently it has developed irregular blacky brown dots around its mouth. this has also happened to my red zebra that i bought from the same store at the same store. what is it? will it kill my fish? they seem healthy and eat well. i have a 4ft tank with lots of lava rock and a java fern with 2 bristlenoses. the ph is 7.8- 0ammonia- 0nitrite and 25ppm nitrate. i feed it a variety of spirulina- flakes- pellets and peas. some help would be nice. ps. my red zebra is breeding as well but i really need to no wat the black dots are

I have a Java project where I must use a generic data structure. I was thinking of using ArrayList- but I have no idea what kind of class I should write. In the past I ve done simple bank account systems and song libraries- but I m looking for something different. Any ideas?

I just got some Petite Anubias and Some Philippine Java Ferns that I ordered online- they have leaves on them and I am attaching them to rocks with cotton string should I just rinse them and add then to my tank or shoudl I remove leaves?
when I opened the package the Petite Anubias leaves were slimy and fell off.. are they still ok ?

Sometimes when I am playing music using Media Player- my computer will slow right down- and the music will be skippy and choppy. My computer will often be unresponsive until the song has finished playing- after which it speeds up again. It doesn t happen way too often- but it is annoying nonetheless. It also happens more often when I am using flash/java/shockwave apps. Any ideas to why this is happening? Thanks! :D
I have used Microsoft s RAM Testing Utility. According to the complete/extended test- my RAM is fine- and it is not a hardware problem. Is this maybe an issue of not having enough RAM (currently 512MB on WinXP). I have also heard that Celeron processors are not the best processors in the world- so could this be a problem as well? Thanks again! :D

To be able to be proficient at Java-

(not JavaScript).

How good do I have to be at maths/math. Do I have to be amazing at mathematics ?


I m working on a java based chat program. It has a server and a client. The server and client communicate through sockets. The thing is- that if I put the server behind a proxy server- the client can t reach it...
I m sure it s not a firewall issue and it s not about sockets being already bound.
And besides these- I don t know how to verify if the server is actually behind a proxy or not...
If you can- please post or e-mail a simple example for a server- that works behind a proxy server!
Please help! :-)

Thanks in advance!
To Colanth:

There is absolutely no firewall involved... No windows firewall- no ZoneAlarm- nothing.

The server is simply behind a proxy server.

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