Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This anomoly appears to happen only on Yahoo sports pages.
I am running Windows XP SP2 with Internet Explorer V6.0.29 and Java 1.5.0_05.

we are building a new website - we have tested the checkout page to work with javascript turned on and off - the payment provider has said the checkout page only works with javascript on - how big is this problem? or is it small?

I haven t learned C or any other programming language. But can I directly start learning Java?

on the command promt- it says that javac is not recognized as internal or external command etc..

I am really new to this whole Java thing.. and well- what I have installed in Java(TM) 2 Platform..

I am working on a java program to determine if numbers in a series are odd or even. below is what i have so far

import java.util.Scanner;

public class EvenOdd
// determines whether numbers are even or odd
public void checkEvenOdd()
// create Scanner
Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in );
// obtain user input
System.out.print( "Enter three floating-point values seperated by spaces:" );
number = input.hasnext();

input = input;
while ( input.hasNext() )
int number = input.nextInt();

if ( isEven( number ) )
System.out.printf( "%d is even\n"- number );
System.out.printf( "%d is odd\n"- number );
} // end while loop
} // end method checkEvenOdd

// return true if number is even
public boolean isEven( int number )
return number % 2 == 0;
} // end method isEven
} // end class EvenOdd

I am working on program based on user input of radius to determine area- below is what I have so far. PLease make corrections on the below code.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Circle
// calculate the areas of circles
public void calculateAreas()
//create scanner for input from command window
Scanner input = new Scanner ( System.in );

double radius = input.nextDouble(); // radius

// get the first radius
System.out.print( "Enter the radius (negative to quit): " );
double radius = input.nextDouble();

while ( radius >= 0 )

// call a procedure circleArea with a radius
circleArea( radius );

// get another radius

} // end while loop
} // end method calculateAreas

// calculate area
public void circleArea( double radius )
System.out.printf( "Area is %f\n"- Math.PI * radius * radius );
} // end method circleArea
} // end class Circle

I bought the 5 gallon plastic fish tank with plastic cover at PETCO. Lets just put it this way that its the cheapest fish tank possible. Anyways I already have good sized grave which is colored multi colors. I will try to buy a cheap but good filter. I will buy plants such as elodea and maybe some java fern. I will not buy a light or heater because I will just use a desk lamp light over the fish tank to provide light for the plants and warmth for the fish. I live in Los Angeles so it never gets really cold and the light will keep the temperature generally at 80 degrees.

I want to buy a beta fish.
First off will it do okay in this tank?

Secondly can I put ghost shrimp or cherry shrimp in the tank with the beta?

What other type of wildlife can I put in the tank with the beta?

Thankyou for answers


Ceasar s Cipher
Imput a key
Input a string(Plaintext)
Output a Ciphertext


Input Ciphertext
Output Plaintext
Output key

So- given two dates that could be days- weeks- months- or even years apart- is there an easy way to determine the number of days between them?

my security settings don t allow me to navigate into any website that runs a java script. though i have the latest version of Java- currently I have Windows Vista.
always get same: your security settings don not allow to use Activex Controls installed in your computer. I already checked out the internet options in the tools section. still can t change settings to allow same sites (2-3 only) to surf freely. can anyone help?


im trying to add a game to my phone when i go to options/about it tells me that my phone is java enabled but i cant get into my sd card to veiw the game i put on my phone via cpu

Suppose you are asked to write a program that models a Chess Board- which we know has rows and columns. Create a design for a two dimensional array that shows the piece that is on the particular square of the chesboard. Design an algorithm that iterates through each square on the chessboard and prints out what pice- if any- is on the board.

in complete scan- 6 java/byte virus were found- 2 were put in virus vauld and subsequently removed manually together with it s files- remaining 4 are still at large- what to do to remove it or less to put it to virus vault.

On Myspace music- when i click add to add the song to my pro nothing happens. The add link isn t ghosted and I ve added this song before. I ve tried other music and i get the same thing. I think it might be something to do with Java and Flash Player- but I have both. I have Mozilla and I ve had Java problems before.

im lookin into taking courses for web page design and im wondering if to be marketable to businesses if i should also take java programming??? also- would courses from penn foster be worth taking for this field?????

How do I write a newline using FileOutputStream- do I have to use BufferedOutputStream or something? Please help!
What s a PrintStream?

i want to learn how to make web pages and design them real nice with graphics like 3d and animations.
good fliers-
business cards and things of that sort.
for example if i take a picture of some one i want to be able to make it into like cartoon or some thing cool like that.

I need to write a java program that will shorten a string to 20 characters but by taking out random characters not just substring at 0-20.

For example: "This would be a sentence that is greater than 20 charcters"

I would like it to randomly make something like this: "TSWLDBESENTHATISGTAN"

So- it uses random letter until the string length is down to 20 characters and then all upper case the string.

Thanks for any help!

Whats the code or steps to take to write it myself?

i type in the source and push ok. then done after its done. and i go to the fitsrt page where i keep hearing Java will be but its not there. help please.

Yesterday at about 9:30PM I was playing Runescape before I went to bad. The computer was working fine and there were absolutely no problems with it at all.

I go to sleep....

8 Hours later....

I wake up and turn the computer on. It loads up and bla bla bla- then i go to runescape and click play. Something strange happened. RUNE SCAPE WOULDNT LOAD- and pop-ups were getting though my pop-up blocker.(Google toolbar) Is it possible that runescape wont load because of the popups?

Well- I paniced and went to java.com and downloaded the newest version of java- which i thought would help runescape work. It didnt- it made my computer slow as hell- and I dont know how to get rid of it now- AND I still cant play runescape. Please help me.

1. How do I get rid of that new Java thing I instaled? (im working with a Windows XP with intel celeron).

2. Why isnt runescape loading anymore when it was fine eight hours ago?

3. What pop-up blocker do you suggest?

Thank you

My lap tap says that i need java scrit to see videos. i cant even check my email. help please

as headline says.. but now all i get is blank page on the game screen. I ve cleared chache- cleared temp internet files etc.. made sure JAVA is enabled- i have the most up to date JAVA.

Now i am stuck.. can anyone help please?!?!

ive checked all the cookies and enabled them and the java script and active x all enabled but still nothing./ any ideas?

Say for instance I have the following:
Animal(interface) ->Mammal(Class)->Canine & Feline (Both classes branched from Mammal)

There is also an arraylist in the animal interface.

Now my dilema is-if i put all traits for both animals in the animal interface-i will have actions for dog in cat which is bad.

If i put the common traits in the interface-thats good.if i put the canine and feline specific traits in their respectable class thats also good. But when I try to use the arraylist to print out the behaviors-it wont acknowledge the traits in the classes.

This is what I have-it prints the interface traits-but i wanna print the class traits as well.

*note the following is in a class used as the main*

Animal.zoo.add(new Dog());

for(Animal a:Animal.zoo)

I recently download YM client the old version at this site www.OldApps.com after installing it when I m going to send message for one of my buddy at my friend list i cannot see anything and it s full blank white in window chat but i can see the smile icons and call etc... the only thing that blank white was the window chat box that we use to see to read the messages... I am wondering if i needed Java...i needed help hope somebody can help me with this....Thank you in advance! ♥
>> Hi Erica thank you for helping me with this error...I already fixed it! you re great helper... :)
Thanks and tc!♥
10pst for U soon..........

Just so i wont waste 5 more points.
what is it that you do in Database Technology- Systems Analysis and Design?


I have been asked to pay 25-000 by a HR for providing 1+ years of fake experience certificate and a job in java platform is it worth in going for that offer

I32 HiPhone A88 model

computer freezes in game play...message ygames_table-applet- java.lang.NulPointerException: null pData

Is there a solution?


I have a problem with my Java. I m trying to play a game but it basically tells me it s not working right. How do i enable the plugin for my browser. I can t play the game that i want becuase of this can someone help me.

Already saw one at cool chaser- but it wont let me open it- when I try it says "Java Script (o). Anyone know where I can get another one? MY little two year old loves Veggie Tales and I wanted to make it my layout on my myspace page!Thanks for replies

hi there- how do you work this out with if - blue(2) i no the answer is 47 but i dont get how you get there- can someone help??

public double blue(double x) {
if (x >= 5) return x;
else return blue(x+1) + red(x);
public double red(double x) { return yellow(x+2) + 5; }
public double yellow(double x) { return x*x - x; }


Design a moving elevator using Classes- Objects- methods and any other object oriented techniques .

Provide the block/diagram (using UML) for bi-directional flow as well as interruption. Please provide pseudo code for bi-directional flow with interruption.

Other Recommended Assumptions:
The elevator moves up and down.
There are FOUR floors.
The elevator can be interrupted at each floor.
Passengers can get in and get out at each floor.
There is a default resting floor that the elevator should return to when not used.

I m learning Java now- but my teacher is an Indian. I can t understand at all... So have no idea about this...
Hope some one can help me- and give me some suggestions about learning Java.


That executes this

11+22+33+44 = 110
Mean = 110 / 4 = 27

1.2345+12.345+123.45+1234.5 = 1371.5295
Mean = 1371.5295 / 4 = 342.882375

My proffesor is really bad at teaching Java- and instead of teaching us the subject- he goes in the internet and finds some online book and gives it to us. He refuses to give the class help- he says "the awnsers to your problems are on the online book." he s lazy.

Well anyways- thanks.

In java programming- what s program analysis? Someone please show me examples...Thank you.

p.s.: i was flipping through my notes and i can t seem to find anything related to program analysis...o.o

This will be tested during the test- please kindly help. Thanks

Well i download this game i like and when i open it the game doesnt load instead i get a black box saying

Error occurred during initialization of Vm
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Could not create the Java virtual machine
Press any key to continue . . .

PLease tell me how to fixxx it!!!!!!!!

strings in alphabetical order and to allow any duplicate words. and what would be the best way to use it on a static method.

I need the code for a simple video game for learning purposes

I have my array and my GUI set up. Both compile perfectly on their own. All that I need to do is place the array in the GUI. How can I accomplish this?

Hello- whenever I try to open anything with Javascript- it will not open. When I click on it nothing happens- it just says Javascript and then whatever page I am on at the bottom left. Do you have any idea what this could be? I have the latest version of Java and everything is enabled. Thank you.

I installed the latest java but i think that JavaScript thing is switched off. How do I turn it on?

i cant watch you tube videos it says maybe your java script is turned off or u dont have a flash but ido have aflash and java script but idont know how to turn it on please please please help me
yeah and one more thing my friend says that you can download you tube but i dont know how 2 tell me! ._.

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