Monday, May 19, 2008

I bought the 5 gallon plastic fish tank with plastic cover at PETCO. Lets just put it this way that its the cheapest fish tank possible. Anyways I already have good sized grave which is colored multi colors. I will try to buy a cheap but good filter. I will buy plants such as elodea and maybe some java fern. I will not buy a light or heater because I will just use a desk lamp light over the fish tank to provide light for the plants and warmth for the fish. I live in Los Angeles so it never gets really cold and the light will keep the temperature generally at 80 degrees.

I want to buy a beta fish.
First off will it do okay in this tank?

Secondly can I put ghost shrimp or cherry shrimp in the tank with the beta?

What other type of wildlife can I put in the tank with the beta?

Thankyou for answers

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